Gin Rox Articles

Breaking Free from Excuses: Embracing Accountability in Life

Reality Rox Series Due to the subject matter and forthcoming transparency, this may be triggering for some readers. It’s not intended to be negative in nature, my intention is to help us all. May 2022, I received a message via Facebook from a former facebook contact...

Pregnancy Rox: The Finale

Postpartum Update Howdy Folks! It has been a wild 4 months since my last post. So here’s the tea… If I recall correctly, the last time I posted was a few days before my emergency c-section. Listen, I already know what you’re thinking… I just KNEW I was going to make...

Pregnancy Rox: Positive Progress

I am over the moon excited. So last night, I was moved from my room in L&D to the extended stay antepartum wing. That means that I am not at risk for immediate delivery and that my outlook for reaching 34 weeks is higher in probability. All I can say is THANK GOD!...

Pregnancy Rox: Facing Reality

First, let me take the time to wish all mothers a very happy & blessed Mother’s Day! My challenges with my current pregnancy began when I was about 4-5 months gestation. My first diagnosis was gestational diabetes. Naturally I became anxious and nervous, however...