Bloganuary Challenge – Day 1

I’ve decided to do away with resolutions and vision boards for this year. Instead, I’ve done some deep diving and complied a “to-do” list of achievements I want to complete before this time next year.

1. Scale My Business

As a small business owner, I tend to do everything on my own most days and contract out tasks or challenges as needed. To be honest, that is no longer working for me. So I’m going to consolidate and automate. Those avenues that aren’t being productive will be cancelled or shelved depending on what it is and everything else will be automated. For example: I created a mobile app that has been a thorn in my side since I created it. However, instead of terminating, I’m going to table it until I’m in a position to give it the attention it deserves. There are lots of kinks that need to be worked out and I just don’t have the time or focus for it right now. I want to instead focus on obtaining my business certification like woman owned status.

2. Quality Time With My Family

This is pretty self explanatory. For the last quarter of 2022, my household functioned more like a stream-lined business than an actual family dynamic and I just am not ok with that. I have already began the journey to do better in this area. The kids and I went out to eat today. No phones, no music in the car. Just bonding conversation and focus on each other.

3. Upgrade My Home

I am going to renovate my home at some point this year. I want a farmhouse exterior. I’m over all the modern/citified elevations. I’ve been in love with farmhouses since I was a little girl and now that I’m completely embracing my country, southern upbringing this is the direction I’m going in. Maybe I’ll create a storyline post once I begin the process so you guys can follow along on my journey with me.

4. Create Intentional Downtime

I am going to re-train myself to take hours or days off just for myself. I need to program myself to decompress for more than a few minutes or to not feel guilty when I’m not being “productive”. A healthy life/work balance is necessary for the self employed as well. It’s probably more important for the self-employed than for traditional employees.

5…6…7… Coming Soon

Although I haven’t quite figured out what my last three are. The great news is, that I don’t have to have everything figured out at one time. Today is January 1, that means that I have 364 days left to decide what will fill those spaces. I may even allow those spaces to be filled unintentionally or unplanned, just following along where life takes me. That’s the beauty of the first few intentional achievements, I may stumble upon the last three while pursuing the first four. We will see what the future holds. What are your goals or intentions for 2023?