Day 9

Let the Christmas countdown begin!!! I usually begin to limit my social media exposure during these few days before the holidays because the hypocrisy tends to reach extreme levels. For example: some “christians” emphasizing that Christmas is not Christ’s true birthday.

Now, before I go on my rant let me clarify some things. Yes, I am a firm believer in Jesus Christ. No, I don’t label myself as a. Christian. That title has been so tainted over the years that I simply prefer to allow my life and my actions to speak for me. The same way that an honest person doesn’t go around telling people repeatedly that he/she is honest, you learn that a person is honest by their actions.

Now that I got that out of the way, lol….

It really grinds my gears when people wait until this time of year to hone in on the fact that December 25th is not the actual day of Christ’s birth. I see it as the day we acknowledge that he was born at some point and lived. There are a few days that are set aside for recognizing certain people that shouldn’t be limited to one day. Mother’s Day, Father’s Day for another example. I would love to believe that people don’t just celebrate their parents on those specific days (even though we know there are) which would be very sad. I never see this same energy around those days.

If people want to celebrate a particular day, then who are you to rain on their parade? Simply minding your own business would be sufficient. Hell, you may even gain some much needed insight into yourself if you research why you feel it necessary for others to follow YOUR rules and regulations. Last time I checked, most dictators and their regimes were eradicated.

So in the spirit of the holidays which is GOOD CHEER, MERRIMENT and COMMUNITY LOVE… don’t be a Scrooge.

Have you witnessed or experienced this type of behavior? What are your thoughts?