Day 6

On today’s episode of “December Rox Challenge”… My kids have obviously forgotten or just don’t care that Christmas is a couple weeks away. At the rate they’re going with their behavior, the only one that will be receiving gifts is the terrorist (my 2 yr old).

The kids requested some snacks and while I didn’t feel like going to the store, I went and I also dragged the oldest with me to go into the store and grab the requested items.

Now keep in mind, I gave this young man a specific list and specific instructions which were as follows:

  • 1 large bag of chips per person (5 total)
  • 1 case of soda
  • 1 20oz Dr. Pepper

I told him don’t try to get anything additional and stick to the list. Pretty simple, right? WRONG! (Insert eye roll)

Five minutes after sending him into the store, he comes power walking back to the car to inform me of a challenge he encountered in the store that he needed me to fix.

Now, me being the experienced and intuitive mother that I am I anticipated that this process would not go completely smoothly since he’s still in the learning process of how to use a debit card without my direct supervision. So unbeknownst to him, he is only ever sent in the store with my limited cash app card.

The joke however was clearly on me today. My son decided to make an executive decision while in the store. When we arrived at the checkout counter, in addition to the items I told him to get he’d added 4 boxes of candy that were not on the list. While he’s told me there was a problem with the card, he failed to mention the problem was HIM and his attempted extra purchases.

Keep in mind this occurs on the heels of him defiantly using his cell phone in my face that I have him restricted from. (Teenagers are the WORST! Wooooooooooooosah!!!!! Does Calgon still take people away cuz I will definitely submit a request lol)

After I had an in depth discussion about his behavior and decisions, he has returned to his punishment and his phone is now locked in my gun safe.

What’s the craziest thing your teenager has done and how did you handle it?