Phoenix Rising Ebook


Phoenix Rising

ISBN – 9781734944501

Meet Victoria, a woman for whom motherhood was the proudest accomplishment in her life.  But when her young son Colin dies suddenly, Victoria is thrown into a dangerous downward spiral. Suicidal, broken and desperate for love, she careens into a relationship with Dominic.  At first, the relationship seems like the salvation that Victoria desperately needs.   Unfortunately, Dominic is a troubled man with a double-life that Victoria knows nothing about… until the police arrive at her door and it’s too late.

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Phoenix Rising Ebook

ISBN – 9781734944501

Meet Victoria, a woman for whom motherhood is one of the proudest accomplishments in her life.  But when her young son Colin dies suddenly, Victoria is thrown into a dangerous downward spiral. Suicidal, broken and desperate for love, she careens into a relationship with Dominic.  At first, the relationship seems like the salvation that Victoria desperately seeks.   Unfortunately for her, Dominic is a troubled man with a double-life that Victoria knows nothing about… until the police arrive at her door and it’s too late.


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